Does it Beg the Question?

Correct? Incorrect? You tell me!

Some examples to help you practice!!

Read each section and then decide which answer is correct. The link below each will tell you whether you were right!

See? So that begs the question: what are we here for?
Rocket dynamic color

The world is amazingly organized. Obviously it was created by an intelligent God.
Crow dynamic color

Humans and apes evolved from a common ancestor. Look how similar they are!
Trophy dynamic color

Rome is in America or Rome is in America. Therefore Rome is in America
Magic trick dynamic color

And then she said "That begs the question" and I finished her sentence: "What do you mean, jellybean!?"
Purple background

Well you see, sir. That begs the question "Why?" Why are we struggling with revenue this month?
Dark red

Anyone leading a revolution has a vision because someone with no vision could not lead a revolution.
Boliviainteligente  75vdelt3bi unsplash (2)

Obviously we should give the poor handouts from the government. They make less than the average, after all!
Kush dwivedi 6nei9o97vju unsplash (1)

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Extra points if they are from real life or wild-caught on the web!

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